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Installing BlackArch tools in Manjaro

Last updated on August 30, 2023

To begin, before delving into the topic at hand, I aimed to discover substitutes for both Parrot and Kali. This pursuit led me to the very article I am currently in the process of composing.

I had previously experimented with BlackArch; however, my desire was for a solution that could seamlessly integrate into my everyday host PC usage – a goal that proved quite challenging.

Then, I encountered Manjaro, an exceptionally attractive distribution based on Arch, with the unique advantage of being suitable for daily tasks. The moment I laid eyes on it, I was captivated. My journey involved investigating various avenues to incorporate pentesting tools, a task that proved intricate. This experience highlighted the extent of my need for further learning, a realization that evoked a sense of contentment.

In various online forums, I observed individuals inquiring about the installation of BlackArch tools on Manjaro. Some expressed frustration and resorted to labeling others as “noobs” and such. It’s important to remember that everyone starts as a novice, and those who actively participate are the ones who continually progress in their knowledge.

Subsequently, I obtained the official Manjaro distribution from, specifically selecting the Plasma Desktop version. Following the installation and subsequent update, the more intricate aspect presented itself: the installation of the desired tools. My intention in documenting this process is to create a personal reference.

Now, let’s proceed methodically through the steps to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Import the BlackArch repository

curl -Os
chmod +x
sudo ./

Alright next to update

sudo pacman -Syu

Hopefully there wont be any problem but if you face any, try removing the cache and update again

sudo pacman -Sc

Next would be installing the tools from BlackArch repo

sudo pacman -S blackarch-<category>

What are the categories?

webapp : Collection of tools for exploiting web servers and enumerating vulnerabilities in web applications.

fuzzer: Collection of tools designed for fuzzing

scanner: Collection of scanners like sqlmap etc

cracker: Cracking and brute forcing tools.

forenesic: Name it self is self explains what it does

proxy: redirect traffic

mobile: mobile pentesting tools

code-audit: audit existing source code for vulnerabilities

fingerprint: exploit finger print and biometric tools

I guess thats mostly it. If you want to install any of these sudo pacman -S blackarch-wepapp

The above command will show you all the tools available for download. Most of the tools which I never used till now.

The next thing would be the updates which could cause a bit of hiccup in the system. Some of the tools were having so many dependencies which could not be updated and things started to go bad.

I found a solution to this problem by remove the tools which was causing trouble and reinstall those one my one.

To remove a tool sudo packman -R easyfuzzer which remove easyfuzzer from the system.

I have written the first 5 paragraphs using ChatGPT, I don’t like it :/

Published inHackingoffensive path

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